Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Grampians

Grampians National Park is a nature reserve in Victoria, Australia, well known for its sandstone mountains, wildflowers and wildlife. Halls Gap is the key village in the heart of the Grampians National Park. Upon reaching the hotel on the first night, we could see wild kangaroos flocking in the backyard. 

Wild kangaroos

Starting from the nearby village of Haps Gap, we drove up the winding mountainous road. The first stop was Boroka Lookout, a viewing platform at 840m, overlooking a picturesque valley with surrounding mountain ranges. 

Boroka Lookout

Unique rock formation

From Boroka Lookout, a drive of 30 mins ended in Reeds Lookout and The Balconies. The viewing platforms perched on the hanging cliff and the unique rock formation are the perfect spots for panoramic pictures. Standing on the platform, looking out at the lush valleys provided a sense of peace in nature.

The Balconies

Does it look like crocodile head?

Mackenzie Falls in the Grampians is another must visit place. A walk down the steps to the base provided an up close look of the gushing water cascading the cliffs into the rocky pool. Walking along the path from afar, the falls stood majestically down in the ravine. 

Mackenzie Falls

The next day, we visited Lake Bellfield, a quiet calm lake. It serves as a local water supply source. Walking along the bank of the lake provided a sense of tranquility.

Lake Bellfield

The most enjoying moment in the Grampians was visiting the Halls Gap Zoo. It was one of the best moments I had in a zoo, where we could be in an open closed contact with some of the animals such as deers and wallabies.

Friendly deers 

Wallaby, the cousin of Kangaroo

Llama or Alpaca?

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