Saturday, December 2, 2023

Pilgrimage Hike to Mt Xiqiao

Mt Xiqiao is located in Foshan, Guangdong China. With an average altitude of just 300m, it seems far and high from the ground though. There are many attractions to explore in the national park. The icon of the mountain is the 61.9m height of Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy) statue, which coincides with one of the birthdates of Goddess of Mercy on 19th day of 6th month in the lunar calendar.

There are 3 entrances to the mountain, with main entrance from the north. I started my hike from the north entrance. The main trail is well paved along the main tarred road, but in between there are smaller inner jungle routes with fresh air and lots of greeneries. The inner jungle trails are well connected from one place to the other. As the higher I walked, the fresher the air is felt.

North gate entrance

A hike in a green lung

After about 45 mins of hiking, I reached the key destination, Baiyun Temple where the Guanyin statue is. As I walked toward the first temple, I was impressed by the structure of the building. I adore the wooden doors. Behind the main temple are the stairs to heaven, towards Guanyin statue. I anticipated to see the statue after climbing the flights of stairs. However, I was greeted by another view of ancient temple. It was the same for the next 1-2 ancient temples after few flights of stairs behind each temple. Finally, the Goddess of Mercy statue emerged majestically far atop the mountain with many more flights of stairs to climb! It was a real hike.

View of Foshan City from Baiyun Temple

Ancient temple

Can you see the flight of stairs behind the temple?

So near yet so far

Up and up..

View from the top

After paying a respect to the Guanyin, I explored Tianhu Lake by walking through a jungle trail. It is a peaceful lake where one can walk a big round around the lake. 

Tianhu Lake

I hiked up again to explore few gardens with a local village in the national park, mainly Azalea Garden, Osmanthus Garden and Bamboo Garden. Walking along the jungle trails provided a sense of peace and happiness that could only be found in the nature. The exploration ended with a passing through a local village where there were small stalls selling local produce and soybean curds. My trip ended with a ride back to main entrance.

Azalea Garden

Passing through a local village

A house in a national park


Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Grampians

Grampians National Park is a nature reserve in Victoria, Australia, well known for its sandstone mountains, wildflowers and wildlife. Halls Gap is the key village in the heart of the Grampians National Park. Upon reaching the hotel on the first night, we could see wild kangaroos flocking in the backyard. 

Wild kangaroos

Starting from the nearby village of Haps Gap, we drove up the winding mountainous road. The first stop was Boroka Lookout, a viewing platform at 840m, overlooking a picturesque valley with surrounding mountain ranges. 

Boroka Lookout

Unique rock formation

From Boroka Lookout, a drive of 30 mins ended in Reeds Lookout and The Balconies. The viewing platforms perched on the hanging cliff and the unique rock formation are the perfect spots for panoramic pictures. Standing on the platform, looking out at the lush valleys provided a sense of peace in nature.

The Balconies

Does it look like crocodile head?

Mackenzie Falls in the Grampians is another must visit place. A walk down the steps to the base provided an up close look of the gushing water cascading the cliffs into the rocky pool. Walking along the path from afar, the falls stood majestically down in the ravine. 

Mackenzie Falls

The next day, we visited Lake Bellfield, a quiet calm lake. It serves as a local water supply source. Walking along the bank of the lake provided a sense of tranquility.

Lake Bellfield

The most enjoying moment in the Grampians was visiting the Halls Gap Zoo. It was one of the best moments I had in a zoo, where we could be in an open closed contact with some of the animals such as deers and wallabies.

Friendly deers 

Wallaby, the cousin of Kangaroo

Llama or Alpaca?

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Wasabe and Kiso Valley

Matsumoto is an ancient royal city of Japan where Matsumoto castle is the iconic landmark of the city. It is an impressive 5 storey castle. Looking out from the wooden castle window into the moat was a scene that still remain vividly in my mind. 

Matsumoto castle

What attracted me more was the 2 hour journey by train and bus to the Daio Wasabe Farm, outside of Matsumoto. It is considered the world's largest wasabe farm. The wasabe is planted with shades and it is just a green root. However, it is understood that it takes lots of effort to bear wasabe produce. It was also my first taste of wasabe ice cream that I did not have an recollection of how it tasted. There was a small river with an ancient looking wooden watermill for irrigation that made a perfect pictured scenery.


Wasabe ice cream

Tranquility in a farm

Ancient watermill

A shady farm

Another place to explore outside Matsumoto is Kiso Valley, where we explored one of the post towns, Tsumago. It a small town with 2 rows of ancient wooden houses lined along the main road. A walk along the quaint village reveals the historical footage of the past. 

Tsumago, the valley's best preserved post town

A walk in the valley

End of town

We were greeted by a friendly local Japanese aunt cum a shophouse owner who invited us for a tea. Though there was a communication barrier between us, we could feel the kind and warm hearted hospitality. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Milky Way Camping

Doi Samer Dao National Park is situated in north Thailand, around 6 hours from Chiang Mai, 1.5 hours from Nan. The key highlight is camping to enjoy the Milky Way sky in the pitch darkness at night.

There is a big camping area with rented tents ready at the headquarter of the park. Each tent is about 400 baht per night. There is a public toilet and shower facility in the park. Once can also charge the handphone in the main lobby of the main office.

We arrived early around noon, hence we had plenty of time to enjoy the calming gorgeous mountainous view behind the main office.  However, it was not possible to sleep in the tent as it was an open area and the scorching sun light made it unbearable to sleep inside. By evening, there were many cars and motorbikes arriving, mostly to stay a night. The temperature dropped by evening, and it could be quite cold with the blowing wind at night.

Spending the early afternoon immersing in the gorgeous view

On the opposite site of the main camping area behind the main office, I could savor the joy of sunset view. As the sun set on the horizon, the swaying grass became my photo object.

Early sunset

Can you see the light from the town below in the far horizon?

Behind the camping area is a mini hill cum viewing platform, where a river afar flows below in the valley. When the sky gets dark, this elevated viewing platform is the perfect spot to view the milky stars high above, as it is away from the lights. A cooling breeze added a serene feel to ponder on the galaxy. 

View from platform behind the campsite in the late afternoon

Clear blue sky - perfect for milky way sighting at night

This viewing platform also is the perfect avenue for sunrise. Early in the morning. the river was covered with clouds below, turning the scenery into a long meandering cloud river with glowing pink sky. 

River of cloud in the early morning


Rise and shine

Happy morning