Monday, May 4, 2020


Mount Koya, a Unesco World Heritage Site, is located south of Osaka and Kyoto. It is the head quarter for Shingon School of Buddhism, founded by Kobo Daichi in 805AD. There are hundreds of temples and monasteries around the mountain. The best place to visit is in Autumn in November, where the autumn colors can be enjoyed.

Kongobuji Temple is the main temple built in 1593. It has the largest Banryutei Rock Garden in Japan.

Garan is Koyasan's central temple complex. The two most prominent buildings in Garan are the Kondo Hall and Konpon Daito Pagoda. Kondo Hall is a large wooden temple where major ceremonies are held. Konpon Daito Pagoda is an iconic bright 2 tier pagoda, standing at 45m tall.

Okunoin is the largest cemetery with over 200,000 tombstones lining along a 2 kilometre pathway with centuries old cedar tree. It is also the site of Kobo Daichi Mausoleum. Walking along the pathway in an early wet drizzling morning was like walking in a cloud.

The best experience in Mount Koya is to stay overnight at one of the Buddhist Temples. The temple lodging provides a ryokan like experience, where there is a tatami mat. Dinner was served in the room for the temple I stayed. Breakfast was held in the dining area.

Visiting Mount Koya is a relaxing experience, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

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